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Learn About Vehicle Insurance Coverage

Vehicle insurance is insurance for automobiles, trucks, bikes, and other street vehicles. Its main function is to offer financial protection against bodily damage or personal injury resulting from vehicle accidents and also against liability which may arise from mishaps in a car. These insurance policies cover a wide range of risks including damages due to…

Creating An Insurance Agency

An insurance agency, often called an insurance brokerage, brokers, drafts policies for many different insurance providers and sells them to customers, called customers, through a variety of insurance carriers. Each company that a broker represents has a different business model. Brokers receive commissions from selling policies to customers. In return, they prepare and maintain client…

Benefits of Working With an Insurance Agency

An insurance agency, sometimes known as an insurance brokering or self-employed agency, brokers, sells policies to insurance companies through a variety of insurance providers. They are not directly affiliated with any one insurance company. Rather, they are independent brokers who are hired by insurance companies for a fee to sell their policies to their customers.…

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